196. Warmer weather, please

There’s nothing like being only 13 weeks into your pregnancy and looking, well, definitively more pregnant than I am.  Last week, one of my coworkers asked, “Just how pregnant are you?” Sigh.  It begins again.  Each pregnancy, I’ve gotten to hear comments such as, “That’s a big baby,” and “You’re getting so big,” and, my […]

185. New running shoes

OMG.  Shin splints.  What a bitch! So, my new Brooks Dyads had me hobbling home after my one mile run.  SHIN SPLINTS.  Oy.  I kind of forgot about shin splints.  How I forgot about shin splints, I don’t know, but they are a beast. Despite being a state of agonizing, foul language inducing pain, I’m […]

150. Checking off the bucket list item I didn’t know I had

After five days relaxing and playing on the beach, it’s back to the norm.  Sigh.  Vacation is over, and we’re home again. What an awesome vacation.  We had an amazing time.  And we survived the car ride with two little ones!  The drive down was a much quieter trip than coming home, but all and […]

129. This weather is toying with my emotions.

Okay.  So, a few days ago it was hot.  Like, upper 80’s to 90’s hot.  My garden soil in one bed looked like dust because we’d been on a hot streak.  Today, the weather is in the low 60’s with a cool breeze.  Personally, this weather is right up my ally.  I will definitely be […]

Running and embroidery

Obviously, not at the same time.  I’ll admit, I’m pretty good at multitasking, but needle work while running?  That’s a talent I haven’t mastered. Last night, wonderfully, thankfully, the day shift charge nurse called and asked if I was up for a budget, meaning did I want to stay at home and take call pay. […]