206. A weekend of birthdays

August is the month of birthdays  for our family.  There’s my nephew, my brother-in-law. my daughters, and mine.  There has been much cake eating. We had what was possibly the happiest birthday party ever to celebrate M’s third birthday.  What’s happier than a rainbow party?  Everything was bright and colorful and made you want to […]

203. My garden is full of zucchini

My husband discovered he really enjoys gardening, so the size of our produce garden quadrupled.  Watermelon, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, swiss chard, kale, pumpkin, zucchini, leeks, celery, bok choy and a variety of herbs. My garden is insane and full to the brim with zucchini.  Virtually all of our plants are […]