194. Plans change

December was going to be the month of Christmas crafts and training for my first long race since April.  December was instead the month of not having enough energy to get off whatever I was curled up on, unless it was for running to the bathroom to puke for the umpteenth time.  No, December was […]

175. Halloween came and went

And just like that, October is over. Halloween was a whirlwind, busy, busy day.  The Stallings household started the day off with an early morning eyeball egg hunt.  Just like an Easter egg hunt, I hid the eyeball eggs around the house the night before, and the kids had a blast looking for them before […]

172. Don’t touch the brain

Being a parent is a funny thing.  I find myself saying things that, well, I never anticipated I would have the need to say.  Example: my husband and I took the kiddos to the science center, which was hosting the annual “Boonanza”.  It was a self proclaimed “Halloween celebration full of science and tricks and […]

169. Instagram, baby

It’s fall break this week.  My son and I put together a list of todo’s while he’s out of school.  Here’s some highlights. We made phones out of a tupperware container and a can.  It provided many minutes of entertainment for my little ones.  Art project of the week.  Brooks shoe boxes are awesome.   […]

164. Packing lunches

When I was a kid, I brought my lunch to school probably 90% of the time.  Money was the biggest reason.  My at the time pickiness was a close second. I brought a sandwich (PB&J or turkey and cheese), chips and a fruit snack of some sort everyday.  My mom wasn’t very adventurous with food. […]