156. Eeee! Good news for me!

I started off the day stressed out.  My sister had surgery this morning for what turned out to be a very, very large fluid filled ovarian cyst that had adhered to fallopian tube.  We didn’t know if it was a tumor or a cyst and the thing just hadn’t stopped growing since it was discovered […]

155. First day of kindergarten

7:15am.  A time I typically think of bedtime.  Now, my new wake up time on my off days.  Ouch. Today was B’s much anticipated first day of kindergarten.  When I went to wake him this morning, I found him sitting straight up in his bed with a huge, cheesy grin on his face.  “Is it […]

154. I love my mini trampoline!

For my birthday last year, my husband got me a mini trampoline.  FYI, best gift ever.  I’d pined after it when I started hearing about the many health benefits of “rebounding,” particularly in the way of postpartum health.  Rumor has it that rebounding exercises, such as jumping on a mini trampoline, can help improve the […]