131. Angry Birds Birthday party!

After months of planning, the Angry Birds birthday party has come and gone.  It was epic in it’s own right.  While small and rather intimate, I think it was easily the best birthday party we’ve had.  How can you not have fun with Angry Birds?

The masks

The masks were a hit, with children and adults like.  I’d ended up making a total of 14.  We have four left.  Most of the masks went home being worn by an adult.  🙂

The Pig Piñata

One of the last moments the piñata was intact.

The piñata was an equally big hit.  It turned out really well.  Definitely a bit of a time investment.  That thing took a lot of glue to get all of the crepe paper on, but in the end, it was all worth it.  Truth be told, I think the piñata was the hit of the party, no pun intended.  There will be a piñata at my daughter’s “Pink Elephant” party this August.  Jeez, planning another party already?


Since we’d already had an “official birthday cake” on B’s birthday, we hadn’t planned on getting another cake for the party.  We picked up four two-bite cupcakes from Trader Joe’s (way more than we needed) and originally thought we’d get a fancy cupcake from Gigi’s for B at the party.  Well, I forgot to go to Gigi’s.  It isn’t exactly close to us.  As the universe would have it, my husband had just won a gift card for Dairy Queen.  Ice cream cake it was.  I had the Angry Bird figurines already, so it was a quick and easy cake.  By the way, I got quite the look from the cashier when I told her what to write on the cake.

So, yes, the party was a big success.  We had an Angry Birds version of pin the tail on the donkey, a coloring station full of Angry Birds coloring sheets I printed offline, the piñata, of course, and lots of fun running around in our masks.  The weather was lovely, so the little ones spent some time outside running around our backyard (so thankful for a fenced in backyard).  I spent too much on food (like I always do).  It’s amazing how much simple things like chips and dip, hummus and drinks can add up to, and somehow I always forget about budgeting for food.

Now that the party’s done, time to get back to focusing on school and mini marathon number two training, which started today.  I’m supposed to just walk three miles today.  I worked last night after the party and am running currently on very little sleep, so I planned for an easy day today.  I can’t run with my kids in our stroller, so each time I work a Sunday night, I have a longer walk day.  Whelp.  Today it’s raining.  So, no training today.  I start tomorrow.

6 thoughts on “131. Angry Birds Birthday party!

  1. Wow that a party!!! I am a little bit jealous…I really want to get more invested in being crafty! I have fun once I actually do it… but it is making me actually do it that is the hard part. Love the pictures! Glad the weather was perfect!

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